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The United States to China anti-dumping investigations into everything refrigerants

by:Arkool     2020-08-07

The us Commerce Department announced on March 24,, should be the union of HFC ( HFC) Well as part of the members of the alliance to apply for, to say - refrigerant from the People's Republic of China Four fluorine ethane ( R134a) Anti-dumping investigation. 

 On 4 March this year, the American industry request us department of commerce, the China refrigerant R134a has a anti-dumping tariffs. Company said the two countries, China refrigerants for less than fair value, require 150% to more than 200% of the implementation of anti-dumping duties. 

 The attorney JamesCannon pointed out that China's excessive production of HFC refrigerants, current production has reached 200000 tons, is four times the size of the us market demand, at the same time sales at below cost to the United States. According to the program, the United States international trade commission will be made before April 18, 2016 at the beginning of anti-dumping industry injury. If that caused material injury to the domestic same industry, the Commerce Department will to continue the anti-dumping investigation, and make a preliminary before August 10, 2016. According to the Commerce Department statistics, in 2015, the United States from China imported product for $46. 2 million.
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