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The R245fa domestic capacity expansion - quickly

by:Arkool     2020-08-03
Because R245fa foaming technology is mature, domestic fluorine chemical industry in 2016 is expected to bring about R245fa project of building boom, industry with existing capacity 12000 tons for the growth of the outbreak of a new starting point, realize the localization, and the demand. In our country since 2010, eliminated the first generation of foaming agent ( Fluorine carbon hydrocarbon) 2011 - after the R11 In 2015 during the second generation of R141b and cyclopentane foaming agent as an alternative to the R11 is widely used in refrigerators, freezers, water heater industry, etc. Along with the national requirements of environmental protection and energy efficiency standards rise, R245fa, R365mfc as transitional substitutes, become the third generation of alternative cyclopentane and R141b foaming agent. Among them, the United States and Japan tend to use R245fa, and more willing to choose R365mfc in the European Union. At present, China is accelerating out ( Hydrogen chloride fluorocarbon hydrocarbon) HCFCs and R245fa as a transitional product belongs to ( Hydrogen fluorine carbon hydrocarbon) HFCs, the national policy on HFCs temporarily no limit, but due to their high GWP value, countries are not encouraged. At the same time, the international giant, honeywell, dupont has championed, Hydrogen oxygen fluorine olefin) Three fluorine propylene (HFO olefin R1233zd LBA) R1336mmz ( Six fluorine butene) FEA- 1100 alternative R245fa, R365mfc become the fourth generation of foaming agent. Additionally, honeywell R245fa preparation patents expire on July 5, 2015, patent release or will break the disadvantage of original foreign monopoly, localization will make the price more populist, conducive to marketing. According to the personage inside course of study, changing the foaming agent can make some small changes to the current promotion, mainly because of R245fa than R141b is expensive. Given R245fa foaming technology mature, domestic fluorine chemical industry in 2016 is expected to bring about R245fa project of building boom, industry with existing capacity 12000 tons for the growth of the outbreak of a new starting point, realize the localization, and the demand.
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