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Frequently asked questions about r600a refrigerant

by:Arkool     2021-03-20

1. What is the refrigerant R600a?

The refrigerant R600a is a new type of hydrocarbon refrigerant with excellent performance. It is taken from natural ingredients, does not damage the ozone layer, has no greenhouse effect, and is environmentally friendly. It is characterized by large latent heat of evaporation and strong cooling capacity; good flow performance, low conveying pressure, low power consumption, and slow load temperature recovery. Compatible with various compressor lubricants. (Note: When the content of R600a in the refrigeration system is insufficient, it will cause excessive pressure, abnormal machine noise, and shorten the life of the compressor). It is a colorless gas at room temperature and a colorless and transparent liquid under its own pressure. It is a substitute for R12. It is mainly used as an ultra-low temperature refrigerant, and the refrigeration system composed of R22 is used in an ultra-low temperature refrigeration device at -80~-120℃. It is also used as a foaming agent for foam plastics, as a refrigerant instead of R12.

2. How much is appropriate for the refrigerator with r600a refrigerant?

When adding fluoride to the refrigerator, the normal pressure depends on: 1. The type of refrigerant of the refrigerator is about 0.08Mpa for R12, about 0.01Mpa for R134a, and about -0.01Mpa for R600. 2. The ambient temperature is summer or winter, the pressure is higher in summer and lower in winter. 3. At the same time, it is necessary to judge the refrigeration condition of the refrigerator and the heating condition of the return pipe.

3. What is the difference between refrigerant r600a and r134a?

R134a is tetrafluoroethane. This refrigerant has relatively high water solubility, so it is not very good for refrigeration systems, and this refrigerant will produce acid, carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide under the action of lubricating oil. , It will corrode the metal. Therefore, R134a has relatively high requirements on the drying and cleaning of the system.

R600a is isobutane. It is slightly soluble in water and has good compatibility with most metals such as stainless steel, copper, aluminum, and carbon steel.

4. Can r600a refrigerant be replaced by R22?

First of all, the types of refrigerating oil corresponding to these two refrigerants are completely different; secondly, R600a is mostly used in low-temperature refrigeration appliances, such as refrigerators; while R22 is mostly used in air conditioners and other refrigeration appliances. After replacing R600a with R22, the cooling effect of refrigeration appliances will be greatly reduced. If it is necessary to replace it, all the original refrigerating oil in the refrigeration system pipeline should be drained, replaced with mineral oil and re-vacuumed. When filling R22, it is necessary to adjust the appropriate refrigerant filling volume.

5. How much is r600a refrigerant?

Different regions, the price is also different, but the average price is as follows: Add R12 to get 60 yuan, add R134 and R600A to get more than 80 yuan, 1P air conditioner plus refrigerant gets more than 90 yuan.

6. Does the refrigerant R600a pollute the environment?

Among all kinds of natural refrigerants, high-purity hydrocarbons, abbreviation: HC is one of the most important varieties of experts in the world. At present, more than 90% of refrigerators in Germany and Europe use R600a. Other countries in the world also Gradually expand the use of R600a refrigerant. At present, most refrigerators in my country have adopted R600a refrigerant.

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